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06jun7:00 pmANUSIYA ALBERT & AUXILIA ALBERTindian temple dance
June 6, 2021 7:00 pm(GMT+01:00)
Event Details
Chandrakalarubalayam Dance School presents : Anusiya & Auxilia Albert Performance Livestream from “Kulturwerkstatt auf AEG” Nürnberg on June 6th for www.ostanders.de The classic Indian temple dance is made of rhythm, gestures
Event Details
Chandrakalarubalayam Dance School presents : Anusiya & Auxilia Albert
Performance Livestream from “Kulturwerkstatt auf AEG” Nürnberg on June 6th for www.ostanders.de
The classic Indian temple dance is made of rhythm, gestures and facial expressions. Stories are told by hands and eyes, while the feet give the rhythmic dynamics.
Today we give a new interpretation to this dance style.
We have many borders. Borders because of COVID, borders that separate countries, borders that separate people. Sometimes borders are imposed to us, sometimes we build our own. These own mental boundaries are expressed in Auxilia’s dance today. Nowadays we demand a lot from ourselves. We, people, have many questions and few answers. This way we escape beyond our barriers.
Nevertheless, we should not lose faith in ourselves, perceive the divine within us and build mental bridges to cross the borders. No limits!